We are Keca and Xavi.
We carry more than 15 wonderful years sharing our lives in Madrid.
We have always liked to take care of the people and the things that surround us. But the turning point was the arrival of our son Esubalew in our lives. We want to build a different and passionate professional life in the world of people and businesses. And why not, a life that allow us to reconcile our personal life.
Little by little, we develope this project, which incorporates all our ideas and passions. And we finally found a way to influence companies in a positive way to get the best out of each and everyone of their members.
We like to define ourselves as creative, original, daring an open to the innovation of formats and exclusive solutions for our customers and suppliers. And, now, we would love to meet you. Should we meet?
We had very clear idea of he project, philosophy ... we were only missing the name. One day we were talking about how most important things always happen while sitting around the table , and we realized that we had to make reference to this idea. We immediately saw the precursor of the modern kitchen: Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky.
It was perfect, because in addition it inspired us to other concepts: like the spirit of evolution, change, and an impressive force. She was the first female student at the Kunstgewerbeschule (UniversityofAppliedArts in Vienna). And in that world of men, won countless awards and made countless success projects. Always loyal to design and affordable social housing for working classes.
In 1926, she had the brilliant idea of esigning the Frankfurt kitchen, maximun comfort and equipment in the least space. That kitchen continues being considered the forerunner of the modern kitchen.
And for us, Margarete continues to mean everything and much more.
This is for you Margarete!
* As you can imagine, all that conversation happened sitting around a table in the kitchen of our home.